Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Bibliophiles of OK Nov/Dec. Meeting

It's been a while since I've posted an update on the Bibliophiles of Oklahoma. This is a collectors' group myself and a few other hearty souls have started. We meet monthly for informal meetings and some light-hearted bibliobanter. New people are always welcome. Our average number per meeting is staying pretty constant at 4-6, but the faces change frequently. Still hoping to get the numbers up. A more focused campaign next year may yield results. We'll see.

As Nov. and Dec. have big holidays at the end of the month, we'll go ahead and do a combined Nov/Dec. meeting on Thursday, Dec. 4th at Belle Isle Brewery. We typically have a table reserved for us under the name Washington Irving.

On the agenda this month:
Show and Tell:
Approve donation of Washington Irving volume to Emily Dickinson personal library project: Replinish the Shelves.


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