Monday, October 22, 2007

Update on Bookseller/ Barber

Well, today was a good day at my house. I got home from a *gross* experience (more on that later) to find a damp cardboard box on my stoop. Lo and behold, some very cheap books arrived! Lucky for me, they were all dry. They're all ex-library, but I couldn't pass up the prices. Nothing collectable, just solid reference type stuff. Sorry, but it's still a secret where I got them as I haven't bought everything I want just yet from the seller. They didn't have very good descriptions, and of course no photos, but only one turned out to be a real dud. Not bad out of six or seven books.

One I'm looking forward to browsing is Historic California in Bookplates by Clare Ryan Talbot. I don't have a very big collection of bookplates, but I love learning about them. I hope to have a couple made. Heck, I may even have a whack at doing it myself. Also got an early Madeline Stern book on Mrs. Frank Leslie. Also, Vol. 13 (1799-1800) of Charles Evans' American Bibliography. This could be an extremely useful tool in the American Book Trade Index cause. I also got an index of Printers found in Evans. And, until uploads the rest of Evans, I'll have to dig up copies of vols. 9-12. Also, I don't think this index is the index from the set. Hmmm.

Ah, the update on Mr. Deming? He's listed in Charles Evans' American Bibliography, Vol. 13, (1799-1800) pg. 163.

"Sold wholesale and retail, by L. Deming, no.1 Market Square Corner, of Merchant's Row, Boston." Broadside 4to. Item 37772.

This places him another 30 years previous in Boston. It seems this guy sold books for 50+ years!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hello - probably not the appropriate spot to post this, but wanted to say that you have a very impressive blog with interesting content. As a bibliomaniac, I appreciate your subject matter and will check back regularly. Would be interested in updates regarding the success of your book collectors club since I would like to start one here in N. CA. Thanks!